Life Rules
These are the rules, beliefs, and principles that guide my life.
I try to live by these rules, beliefs, and principles. They are taken from everywhere, and will be updated when I find new ones. If you like them, take them.
📚 Education & Knowledge
- Never stop learning
- Learn from others
- Teach others what you know
- Communicate precisely
- Ask the right questions, not just the easy ones
- Primary sources over secondary sources
- Read books, lots of books
- Read books, not news
- Study history, praxeology, and economics to understand the present and future
- Learn languages
- Learn poems
🧠 Personal Development
- Be yourself
- Don’t compare yourself with others
- Act as if your ancestors are watching
- Take control of yourself before you take on the world
- Behave like your best self
- Discipline beats motivation
- The best time was yesterday, the second best is now
- Do the work: Work on yourself, nothing comes by itself, you have to invest in yourself and work hard to achieve something
- Take care of yourself (health, psyche, finances, relationships, living conditions)
- If you can’t do the little things right, you will never do the big things right
- Build wealth, not possessions
🏠 Order & Structure
- The strength is to be found in serenity
- Stop and enjoy
- Don’t be a Zombie. Be aware of your surroundings.
- Don’t stand in other people’s way, physically and mentally. Don’t stand in doorways, in front of escalators, or block sidewalks with a group of people. And don’t stand in the way of other people’s goals and dreams.
- Create systems, not goals
- What you don’t need burdens you
- Order on the outside creates order on the inside
- A place for everything, everything in its place (Mise en place)
- Plan tomorrow today
- Establish strong morning routines
- Clean your room
💪 Mental Strength
- The world owes you nothing
- Fuck Hopium. Don’t wait for others to solve your problems.
- Strong men create good times
- Fuck your feelings. Don’t take everything literally.
- What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger
- Resilience comes through resistance
- Speech you hate, is not hate speech
- If you think, shutting somebody down, will make them go away, you are like a child that thinks closing the eyes, will make the monster go away.
- Develop antifragile systems
- Delay gratification. Only those who are able to wait, can reap the rewards.
- “Yes, and …” mentality, not “but” mentality
- Don’t be afraid to fail
- No risk, no reward
- Be hard on yourself, but forgiving to others
- Surround yourself with good people
🌟 Philosophical Principles
- Freedom is non-negotiable
- There is no such thing as absolute security. Freedom always comes before security.
- Anyone who wants to trade freedom for security deserves to lose both.
- Fuck Collectivism
- Fuck Socialism
- Fuck bureaucracy
- Freedom over authoritarianism
- Individualism over collectivism
- Decentralized over centralized
- Sovereignty over dependence
- Subsidiarity over centralism
- Small is beautiful
- Less Marx, more Mises
- Nothing is more social than capitalism. Capitalism forces you to serve your fellow citizens.
- Capitalism is the absence of coercion. Socialism is the absence of voluntariness.
- If it looks like a socialist, acts like a socialist, and talks like a socialist, then it probably is a socialist.
- If the money of somebody has to be taken by force to pay for your “right,” it is not a right but a privilege.
- There is no free lunch
- Look at what people do, not what they say
- Everything the state touches turns to shit
- Taxation is theft
- Inflation is theft
- Fiat money is a scam
- Democracy is the tyranny of the apathetic
- Never side with the mob
- The road to hell is paved with good intentions
- The opposite of good is well-intentioned
- Skin in the game or no voice
- I don’t care if you agree
🎯 Critical Thinking
- Don’t trust, validate everything
- What seems obvious is rarely true
- Consensus is not the same as truth
- Nobody has a special authority, nobody has the final say
- Yesterday’s conspiracy is today’s reality
- Everything is a psy-op until proven otherwise
- Think in systems, not events
- Follow the Money
- Cui bono? Who benefits?
- Always ask about the incentives
- Light is the best disinfectant
- Don’t change an existing system until you fully understand it (Chesterton’s Fence)
- Less television, more thinking for yourself
- Take the red pill, don’t live in the illusion that some think tank, elite group, or politician constructed for you
- Reject the black pill; good always wins in the long run
- If someone tells you who they are, believe them
🌍 Social Attitude
- Tell the truth, or at least don’t lie. Not to yourself, not to others.
- You can tell all the lies you want, but don’t force me to consume or pay for them
- All state television must be abolished!
- Don’t be a Mitläufer (passive follower)
- Be the 25 % in the Asch and Milgram experiments
- Resist the war against excellence, individualism, and the urge to conformity and mediocrity
- If you make everything equal, you reach the lowest common denominator
- Exit via voice
- Put your money where your mouth is
- Vote with your feet
- Build parallel structures
- Act locally, think globally
- Walk the red light when there is no traffic
- Only follow rules that make sense; don’t be an obedient sheep.
- Civil Disobedience is a moral imperative
- All punishments for victimless crimes must be abolished
- Be the change you want to see
- Lead by example
- Create value for others
- Support those who do the right thing
😊 Joy of Life
- Memento mori, memento vivere
- Find Beauty in Everyday Life
- Create memories, not possessions
- Get out of your head, into the body
- Go for a walk, demons hate fresh air
- Do meaningful things
- Cultivate real friendships
- Live analog in a digital world
- Share and create memes. Mock your enemies until they cry
- Mockery and ridicule are the best weapons against totalitarian thinking
- Laugh at everything, especially at yourself. Nothing is off-limits.
- Have fun