Introduction to Gulp.js 16: PostCSS

This is the 16th part of my series Introduction to Gulp.js. Today, I will show how to use PostCSS to process CSS files. I will replace Ruby Sass with PostCSS and additionally show how to lint stylesheets automatically in the background while developing with Stylelint.
Compass, Sass, LESS, Stylus … why do we need more tools?
I use Sass and SCSS now for a long time, started with Compass, moved to Ruby Sass and wanted to move to libSass, but dependencies on my beloved Gems held me back.
There are numerous Preprocessors, Libraries, and Frameworks, which extend CSS. And a lot of them do good work and I didn’t want to miss variables, nesting, or mixins. But Ruby Sass and Compass in particular are slooooooooow because Ruby is slow. Compiling my website’s styles took 7-8 seconds, but I know of projects where one change will trigger a recompile, which takes more than a minute!
What is PostCSS, and why should I use it?
There is a new kid on the block: PostCSS. I don’t care if it’s a Preprocessor, a Postprocessor, or a Processor. You write something, it will process your files, and it will put out CSS.
Why should you use a new tool, if Sass and its competitors do their job? Because it’s fast (3-30 times faster), modular and extendible. I bet you need a small fraction of your Preprocessors functionality.
With PostCSS, you can choose what you require from currently over 200 plugins. If you don’t find the plugin you require, you can write a plugin or syntax.
You get it all: variables, mixins, extends, color helpers, fallbacks, optimizations, grids … you pick. You can even start using future CSS syntax today, let PostCSS transpile it for you.
I swapped out Ruby Sass with PostCSS and my CSS is now transformed in 2-3 seconds. Go and take a look at my beautiful new code. I use Responsive Typography, Autoprefixer, and the fantastic LostGrid.
In this part of my series, I will rip out Ruby Sass and add PostCSS instead. So follow me along …
First, I will install all needed Node modules:
$ npm install gulp-postcss@6.0.1 precss@1.2.3 gulp-cssnano@2.0.0 gulp-util@3.0.6 autoprefixer@6.0.3 css-mqpacker@4.0.0 --save-dev
I add basic plugins, but you can add more if you like later. I add gulp-postcss, precss (which will allow Sass-like syntax), gulp-cssnano (which will compress and optimize the CSS), autoprexifer for automatic vendor prefixes and css-mqpacker for combining media queries.
Next, I will add the configuration for the new task:
styles: {
src: srcAssets + '/styles/*.css',
dest: developmentAssets + '/css',
options: {
precss: {},
autoprefixer: {
browsers: [
'last 2 versions',
'safari 5',
'ie 8',
'ie 9',
'opera 12.1',
'ios 6',
'android 4'
cascade: true
mqpacker: {}
I add the new task to my development
var gulp = require("gulp");
var postcss = require("gulp-postcss");
var precss = require("precss");
var nano = require("gulp-cssnano");
var plumber = require("gulp-plumber");
var sourcemaps = require("gulp-sourcemaps");
var gutil = require("gulp-util");
var browsersync = require("browser-sync");
var autoprefixer = require("autoprefixer");
var mqpacker = require("css-mqpacker");
var config = require("../../config");
function onError(err) {
* Run CSS through PostCSS and its plugins
* Build sourcemaps and minimize
var processors = [
gulp.task("styles", function () {
browsersync.notify("Transforming CSS with PostCSS");
return gulp
errorHandler: onError,
Rename SCSS files and folders
I rename the scss
folder to styles
and create inside this folder a new folder partials
. I rename all .scss
files to .css
and move them into the partial’s folder (except the main.css
). Furthermore, I recommend commenting out all lines in this file for now and bringing them back later. Otherwise, it will not run properly because the syntax is different.
Update the Code
Next, I will need to replace the lines of the old sass
task with my new styles
task. If you have never seen a DIFF file: a -
(and red line) in front of a line has to be removed and a +
(and green line) in front of a line has to be added:
- sass: srcAssets + '/scss/**/*.{sass,scss}',
+ styles: srcAssets + '/styles/**/*.css',
- css: srcAssets + '/scss/base/',
+ css: srcAssets + '/styles/partials/base/',
-, ['sass', 'scsslint']);
+, ['styles', 'scsslint']);
- 'sass',
+ 'styles',
- 'sass',
+ 'styles',
- gulp.task('base64', ['sass'], function() {
+ gulp.task('base64', ['styles'], function() {
I remove these lines from my optimize-css.js
task because cssnano
does the job:
- var csso = require('gulp-csso');
- * Copy and minimize CSS files
+ * Copy CSS files
- .pipe(minifycss(config.options))
FontCustom has to be changed to copy the Vector fonts CSS to the new location and provide CSS instead of SCSS:
- css: app/_assets/scss
+ css: app/_assets/styles
- templates: [ scss, preview ]
+ templates: [ css, preview ]
After I updated the FontCustom config file, I have to run the task for creating the Vector Fonts again:
$ gulp fontcustom
The syntax of the different PostCSS plugins is different. I use PreCSS, which is a lot like Sass, but things look different. Writing all the changes I made to the CSS would extend the scope of this tutorial too much, as it’s a long file. But you can have a look, at how I refactored all CSS files with updated syntax in my GitHub repository. If you are interested how I replaced Singularity (which is the best Sass grid available) with LostGrid and all the other things, look into my websites source code.
You can run gulp
again now, and PostCSS will process the styles.
Linting CSS with PostCSS plugins
We want to write clean and beautiful stylesheets. That’s why we should always run a Linter, which checks our CSS.
Until now, a Ruby gem did this job and was checking the SCSS syntax for errors. But now we use CSS and need a better (and faster) solution.
First, I install the Node modules, which are needed:
$ npm install stylelint@1.2.1 postcss-reporter@1.3.0 --save-dev
Now I’ll add the configuration for Linting to my Gulp config:
lintStyles: {
src: [
srcAssets + '/styles/**/*.css',
'!' + srcAssets + '/styles/partials/_syntax-highlighting.css',
'!' + srcAssets + '/styles/partials/_sprites.css',
'!' + srcAssets + '/styles/partials/fontcustom.css'
options: {
stylelint: {
'rules': {
'string-quotes': [2, 'double'],
'color-hex-case': [2, 'lower'],
'value-no-vendor-prefix': 2,
'declaration-no-important': 0,
'rule-non-nested-empty-line-before': [2, 'always', {
ignore: ['after-comment']
reporter: {
clearMessages: true
I watch all CSS files, except the generated (FontCustom and Sprites) and the syntax highlighting file (which I don’t touch).
You can define linting rules for stylelint. These 5 rules are just an example, there are a lot more. As CSS style is taste, you should pick the rules you like. 0
means ignore (default), 1
is a warning and 2
is an error. Sometimes rules require additional options.
Next, I will add the Gulp task:
var gulp = require("gulp");
var postcss = require("gulp-postcss");
var stylelint = require("stylelint");
var reporter = require("postcss-reporter");
var config = require("../../config");
gulp.task("lint-styles", function () {
return gulp
All I need to do now is replace the linting task in my watch task:
-, ['styles', 'scsslint']);
+, ['styles', 'lint-styles']);
If you run gulp
, the task will lint your CSS files, save them, and show errors with filename, line number, and broken rule in the Terminal. PostCSS provides even a plugin to bring the errors to your browser.
PostCSS will likely have a bright future. Since it got popular, countless people got excited. Companies like Google, 𝕏, Alibaba, and Shopify use PostCSS. And Bootstrap v5 will be likely in PostCSS.
I’m sure we will see more exciting Plugins in the future.
This concludes the 16th part of my series Introduction to Gulp.js. We learned how to use PostCSS to process our CSS files and how to use Stylelint to lint the CSS files for errors.